Jean White

Jean White

At the time of the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II I lived in Milton with my mother (Daisy), father (Fred) and older sister (Molly). I was ten years old.

On the morning of 2nd June 1953 I watched the coronation on the neighbour’s television (the Bradfield family).

In the afternoon Milton held its own celebrations on the sports ground. There were sports, bowling for a pig, and a historical pageant.

The historical pageant is my most vivid memory as all of the school children dressed up. I was Queen Victoria along with Peter Prior as the Prince Consort.

My aunt, Bet Russell, Also played Queen Victoria in the celebrations held in Steventon, She always said I was ‘Young Victoria’, and she was ‘Old Victoria’.

After a long day of celebration and activities the day ended at about 10pm with a bonfire on the football field.

Before the day various events were held to raise money to pay for the celebrations etc. One was an auction of produce etc and I remember my Mum wrapping a parcel to be a mystery lot to be sold. There was also a commemorative programme of all the village events produced that was sold for sixpence.


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